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Tree Planting

Cassandra Stuart

There’s something about this time of year that gets me nostalgic about my many seasons as a treeplanter. 🌲Wet feet all the time, waking up in the dark, snow in June, the CYFE + the cream, Euchre tournaments in the mess tent, twig branches for chopsticks and cardboard for plates, sleeping in a tent, getting a song lyric stuck in your head for days, the people, days off! 🌲It was the hardest, but most rewarding job I’ve ever had 🌲It taught me how to persevere, to be prepared for any weather and how brave the elements using limited resources 🌲It was where I had my first major manic episode and was also what got me out of my depression the next season. (It’s amazing how the outdoors and physical labour can do that) 🌲It was where I met my husband, the love of my life
Would I do it all over again? In a heartbeat!
To my fellow planters out there, what do you remember? .
#ilovetreeplantingbuthateplantingtrees#onetwoplant #treeplanting#plantingapracticeofselfcare

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