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Love + fear

Cassandra Stuart

Love + fear

I am so grateful for this guy for always having my back. As we navigate a global evolution project, I am reminded that all of our fears are rooted in love. The more we allow our feelings to come up, up and out the more it shines light on + uproots our deepest darkest fears. It's not easy, it can feel like hell and it gets easier with practice. Name your fears. Thank them. Then trace them back to their roots, I'll be surprised if they aren't rooted in love 🤍 #plantingapracticeofselfcare™️

The Core Values of Planting A Practice

Cassandra Stuart

The Core Values of Planting A Practice

The core values of Planting A Practice. ..♡△ Awareness is naming it, taking ownership of it, inviting it in and lovingly accepting it for what it is without trying to change it...♡△ Connecting to breath, to nature, to family, to friends and ultimately to Self so you feel more grounded and your roots can re-plant themselves.... ♡△ Safety is finding comfort, a gentleness within your environment by reframing your mindset or finding creative solutions that allow you to feel safe enough to soften, to surrender, and possibly grow and rise above. Often it’s not black or white — there’s room...

Raising independent children

Cassandra Stuart

Raising independent children

To a parent, raising independent children might look and feel like...Giving them spaceLetting them spillCleaning it up WITH themAllowing them to drink from glass and eat off of real platesListening to them struggleSilently watching them proudly put a shirt on as pantsResist laughing at them, only with them Resist correcting them, unless absolutely necessary Empowering them to cook + prepare food themselves Loosening a lid so that they can connect to the feeling of opening something themselves Showing them when their face is messy and giving them the choice to clean it themselves Having dishes in cupboards at their height...

Doing it all

Cassandra Stuart

Doing it all

It can be a slippery slope to fall into the trap that you need to do it all. It's a tough one to practice but it's important! Let go, trust, ask for help + practice receiving it. #plantingapracticeofselfcare™️

Diaper Cream

Cassandra Stuart

Diaper Cream

We get sold a ton of ideas + products that I believe we never truly need. Diaper cream being one of them. I made this when I was first pregnant in anticipation of lots of diaper rash on my babes. I never needed it! Any guesses why? Comment below and I'll reveal in an upcoming post 💕✨🌀🧚🏻 #plantingapracticeofselfcare™️