Preorder to purchase products. Shipments go out every 2 weeks on full moon and new moon. Next delivery New Moon Nov 23


Elderberry Soda Recipe

Cassandra Stuart

Elderberry Soda Recipe

Elderberry Soda🥤 Recipe 1/4 frozen berries Ice Lemon wedge Rosemary sprig Sodastream water 1-2 tbsp Planting A Practice Organic “Elderberry Syrup”

Autumn Equinox

Cassandra Stuart

Autumn Equinox

Note to self:Feel in to your resistance Find your flowLet goColour outside the linesWear something woolen Balance on one footFind your feet up a wallStare at the moonBe grateful for the sunComplete a projectDream up a new oneLaugh at a chipmunk Play with a childAct like a childOil your scalpEat an apples and cinnamonWear a scarfListen to none of thisAnd find your own rhythm

Happy Equinox

Cassandra Stuart

Happy Equinox

Happy EquinoxWhen daysAnd nights Are equallyBalanced May your shadowsAnd light Also be equally Balanced

Honey + Seasonal Allergies

Cassandra Stuart

Honey + Seasonal Allergies

I can actually taste the wildflowers that this honey was made from. A spoonful or two a day of this raw honey has been by go-to lately to keep my seasonal allergy symptoms at bay, though I’m starting to feel like it’s turning into a cold. What’s the difference anyway?.Also in this pic:A multipurpose multisurface spray I blend up using orange infused vinegar, lavender and peppermint. What is it about feeling run-down that makes me want to clean? 

Red Clover

Cassandra Stuart

Red Clover

Red clover. The fertility herb.🌿Wash it, dry it, turn it into tea, brew it with water and sip mindfully.